
Antonietta Iolanda Lima


Palermo’s projects (1972–1982) by architect Antonietta Iolanda Lima photographed by Antonino Cardillo in 1994 and published in the magazine L’Architettura‐Cronache e Storia by Bruno Zevi

L'Architettura‑Cronache e Storia


I think that architecture should speak to people. It has succeeded when every single person manages to live within the space that it creates in complete ease. People use the space, they feel that they can attribute values to it. They even discover things they did not know and question others, they themselves become subject to scrutiny and their own individual experiences gradually cause them to become aware of what ‘space’ is and to experience its physicality and irrationality. They thus become aware of its meaning through the use, on separate occasions or contemporaneously, of highly communicative objects, loaded with meanings, with an enormous, even astounding power—as Raymon Carver said when talking of the capacity language must possess when describing common things. In embodying the function which merely provides the raison d’être, they make it desirable. Through a hardly won experimentation, architect expresses the people’s needs artistically.

Antonietta Iolanda Lima

Palermo 1941. Degree in 1964. Professor of the ‘History of Architecture’ (Faculty of Architecture, Palermo) and ‘History of Landscaping’ (Master School of Garden Architecture and Landscaping, Palermo). Her publications probe History in order to identify processes and values; for a free, democratic, creative architecture. Whether small or large scale her projects undermine the boundaries between the disciplines, claiming architecture’s singleness. Basic values: a landscape-oriented vision, from the object to the urban development scheme; particular attention to the human being within his/her complex integrity, to the nature of the materials, to light.



Lima-Miceli Apartment

Palermo, 1971–1974

Lima-Miceli Apartment
Lima-Miceli Apartment
Lima-Miceli Apartment

Antonietta Iolanda Lima, Lima-Miceli Apartment, Via Arimondi, Palermo, 1971–1974. Photography: Antonino Cardillo, 1995

Miceli Wine Shop

Palermo, 1974

Miceli Wine Shop

Antonietta Iolanda Lima, Miceli Wine Shop, Palermo, Via Streva, 1974. Photography: Antonino Cardillo, 1995

La Scuderia Restaurant

Palermo, 1974, 1978

La Scuderia Restaurant
La Scuderia Restaurant

Antonietta Iolanda Lima, La Scuderia Restaurant, Viale del Fante, Palermo, 1974, 1978. Photography: Antonino Cardillo, 1995 / Lima Archive.

Via Ariosto Apartment

Palermo, 1976

Via Ariosto Apartment

Antonietta Iolanda Lima, Apartment, Palermo, Via Ariosto, 1976. Photography: Antonino Cardillo, 1995

Lima-Miceli Villa

Palermo, 1979–1982

Lima-Miceli Villa
Lima-Miceli Villa
Lima-Miceli Villa

Antonietta Iolanda Lima, Lima-Miceli Villa, Palermo, Fondo Anfossi, 1979–1982. Photography: Antonino Cardillo, 1995


  • , ‘Antonietta Iolanda Lima: architetture’, L’Architettura‑Cronache e Storia, no. 499/500, ph. Antonino Cardillo, Rome, 1995, pp. 228‑241.