Open City
Open House is the largest event in the world dedicated to the promotion of architecture. Born in 1992 in London, today it is present annually in 45 cities around the world. Since 2012, with Open House Roma, hundreds of places, remarkable for their architectural and artistic peculiarities, are open to the public, every year free of charge, with guided tours, for a weekend. Knowledge, participation, cultural transversality are the key concepts on which this great project that animates the entire city is built year after year. Open House Roma is organised and produced by Open City Roma, a non-profit association that promotes, through its many activities, the convergence of interests of the entire community towards a more sustainable and culturally aware city.
- Museo Hendrik Christian Andersen
- Nuovo Ampliamento Facoltà di Architettura
- Palazzina Nebbiosi
- Palazzo Corrodi
- Uffici McKinsey e Company
- Accademia di Danimarca
- Accademia d’Egitto
- Villa Medici, Accademia di Francia
- Casa Museo Giorgio De Chirico
- Salone Margherita
- Villa Maraini, Istituto Svizzero di Roma
- Palazzo Piacentini
- House of Dust
- Museo Boncompagni Ludovisi
- Fra Borromini e Bernini: il Barocco e la Via Pia
- Ministero della Marina Militare
House of Dust
Alfredo Vattimo, guided tour
Area 3, Open House Roma 2021 [catalogue], 2021